- Organization and development of professional football in all its forms;
- protection of rights and legitimate interests, coordination of activities of Association members;
- representation and protection of the legitimate interests of Association members in public authorities, local governments, courts, and other organizations;
- attraction of investments in football;
- use (involvement) of the world experience (experts) in the field of football marketing and business for the implementation of the statutory goals of INTAFA;
- development of the infrastructure of professional football in accordance with the requirements of FIFA and UEFA;
- development of international sports relations in the field of professional football at all levels;
- improving the system of training, employment, transfers, remuneration of football players and football professionals;
- creating conditions for the development of professional football;
- providing all-round assistance to the members of the Association for the preparation of the reserve, the organization of transfers, retraining and professional development of football players;
- the solution of other issues related to the development and popularization of professional football, the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of football players, football agents, and other participants in professional football.

- The goals and objectives of the Association are:
- legal, economic, marketing, medical, logistics and methodological support for professional football activities of the members of the INTAFA;
- coordination of activities of participants in the transfer market of professional football;
- coordination of the activities of the Association members;
- ensuring the participation of INTAFA’s members in official international events in the field of professional football;
- cooperation, organization and maintenance of contacts with other commercial and non-commercial organizations (FIFA, UEFA, professional associations of players, clubs, leagues, etc.), representation of the interests of the members of the association in international organizations, cooperative participation with them in the implementation of the goals and objectives of FIFA and UEFA;
- the implementation in accordance with this Regulation, the Statutes of FIFA and UEFA, the rights of Association members for Marketing, international and internal transfers of players;
- carrying out of corresponding actions on preparation of players, football agents, and also other workers in sphere of professional football;
- protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the members of the Association;
- resolution of disputes arising between members of the Association in connection with their professional football activities;
- keeping records, statistics, documentation, archival materials, issuing reports on the basis of these documents, as well as publishing information materials related to the activities of the Association;
- the identification of the best players, players' agents, lawyers, doctors, etc. In the field of professional football;
- preparation of documents, materials, etc.
- maintaining regular contacts with the media to implement the information policy of the Association;
- active opposition to any action that prevents INTAFA from carrying out its functions;
- attraction of financial resources for the realization of the Association's goals, receipt, distribution and use of humanitarian assistance in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
- identification and expression of the position of the Association on all significant issues of professional football both in the country and abroad;
- nomination of candidates for work in committees, commissions and departments of FIFA and UEFA;
- submitting proposals, bringing the views of INTAFA members to state bodies on matters relating to professional football;
- facilitating the streamlining of financial relations between members of INTAFA, football clubs and children and youth sports schools;
- participation in the development of state, regional programs to provide financial, logistical and other support for professional football;
- providing information, methodological and consulting assistance to members of the Association on legal, financial, economic and other issues, rendering assistance in their football activities;
- development of economic relations of the Association members;
- scientific, educational and methodological activities, development and publication of methodological and information materials on football issues;
- generalization of the experience of the Association members;
- carrying out economic activities in accordance with the procedures established by law, including the provision in accordance with the established procedure of INTAFA property for use by the Association members for achieving statutory goals;
- realization of rights of Association members, transferred in accordance with the established procedure of the INTAFA;
- participation in the development and implementation of a unified state policy for the development of football.